
Fort Family

Entretenimiento y ocio Fort Family
- - - (MADRID)
Contacto: Eugeny Zhuravlev
Tfno. / Fax: +1 (201) 448-82-15 /

Descripción general

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The Fort Family has developed several original game concepts based on Fort, Gold Rush, Jumanji - famous TV shows and movies.

Each project offers an interactive format of live-action quest games for teams with people of any age. The quest game lasts 1.5 hours and is normally held by 1 to 3 hosts. Depending on the format of quest shows, the venue space should be at least 980 square feet with a ceiling height of 11.5 feet.

Fort Family’s quest game scenarios are individually selected for each type of event. They are perfect for celebrating birthdays or graduations, hosting corporate parties or team building events and are accessible to all age groups. Quest games draw participants into the world of adventure from the first minutes and help develop team spirit. Players solve puzzles in a team in an atmosphere of drive and endless positive. And this is only a small part of what awaits the participants at the shows.

The company has extensive experience in launching franchise locations and guides new franchisees through the whole process, starting from the venue selection to equipment installment, negotiations with the landlords, etc. Each franchisee gets support and assistance from personal mentors as well as access to a private chat room where existing franchisees discuss similar issues, answer questions and share experiences.

Datos de expansión

Año de creación: 2017
Comienzo de expansión: 2019
Franquiciados nacionales: 180
Franquiciados internacionales: 3
Nacionalidad: RUS

Inversión y condiciones

Inversión Inicial (inc. canon): 114000
Derecho de entrada: 71000
Royalty: 900
Canon publicitario:
Zona de exclusividad: Si
Necesario local (m2): No

Contacte con esta franquicia

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